Semalt Expert Shares Hidden Facebook And Twitter Tricks Every SEO Champion Should Learn

A social media marketer has a lot of challenges to face on a daily basis. What's more complicated is that how he monitors the trending topics and implement the best strategies to increase the number of views, shares, likes, and comments on a website.

Though social media marketers know all types of tricks and tips related to Facebook and Twitter, but the following ones, provided by Oliver King, the Customer Success Manager of Semalt, have never been revealed online.

Facebook: Save Link

Do you know that Facebook has a save link that remains hidden all the times? To increase the quality of your content and engage more and more visitors on this social network, you must get that option activated. It is going to help you optimize the site and remains buried in the menu section.

Twitter: Save by Favorites

There are plenty of ways to curate your tweets, and you can check social media tips to know more about it. On Twitter, this option lets you build your audience and can get your website lots of views. Make sure you have chosen your cover image wisely, and it is up to the standards of Twitter.

Facebook: Edit Photos on Mobile

It is one of the things that many of you ignore almost daily. On Facebook, there are a subsequent number of options that help you edit the photos no matter whether you are using a personal computer or a mobile device. You might not have heard about this option. Obviously, it remains hidden in the Menu section, and most of us are unaware of how to activate and use this option. But once fully activated, you can edit a large number of photos, share them on social media, and save on your mobile device's folder within a few seconds.

Twitter: Find Out Who Unfollowed You

If you are tweeting about your business, it is important to know who unfollowed you on Twitter and why. The fact is that most people don't know how to make it possible, but you can go to Twitter Analytics to know everything about it. By finding out who has chosen not to hear from you anymore, you can get an idea of what type of people are disliking you and why. All this will eventually help you to evaluate and improve your current strategies. You can then align those strategies as per the requirements of your followers and adjust your Twitter settings accordingly.

Facebook: Follow without Friending

Do you know who is following you on Facebook? Honestly speaking, many of us don't even know who their followers are. With this feature, which remains hidden in Facebook, you can view the profiles of people who have been following your posts every day. It will give you an idea of who is here for your betterment and who can create problems for you.

Twitter: Mute Feature

Twitter's Mute Feature is what you need to pay attention to. That is where you can find what types of features and options can be muted and what needs to be unmated. All this can increase your site's credibility online, and your followers would remain engaged weeks after weeks.